What Causes of Sudden Death in Rabbits

We all remember the delighted day we got our pet bunnies. Sadly, some rabbits that appear completely healthy die for no apparent reason. There is constantly a cause of death, no matter how sudden. As heartbreaking as it is, the bunny must have struggled with some health problem, stress, or injury.

The Life Cycle of a Domestic Rabbit

Rabbits are born in litters of 1-14. They start consuming what their mom consumes at around 3 weeks and can leave their mom at 8 weeks. Many male bunnies (bucks) become sexually fully grown at around four months. This is a good age to have your male neutered. Females (does) can die from being spayed as it is a significant operation. I suggest only disinfecting male rabbits.

Domestic bunnies normally live in between 9 and twelve years, although eight years prevails as well.

What causes sudden death in rabbits? Most bunnies stop growing in between 18-24 months of age and a healthy bunny can live for 9-12 years. While huge types will not typically live to 8 years, a healthy standard or dwarf bunny will live to a complete life span provided it is cared for effectively. Rabbits become senior citizens at 7-8 years of age. The Holland Lop and Netherland Lop have the longest life expectancy, with most living previous ten as well as into their early teens.

Ten Causes for Sudden Rabbit Death

  1. The bunny was an indoor animal that might not manage outside temperatures
  2. Myiasis, or deadly fly-strike
  3. Hurt during improper handling by children
  4. Fear-related cardiovascular disease
  5. Hurt by another family pet
  6. Aborted pregnancy
  7. Poisoning
  8. Swallowed a sharp item
  9. Bunny was older than you thought
  10. Pre-existing health condition

Animal Store Rabbits Should Stay Indoors

Among the most typical causes of abrupt rabbit death is that the rabbit was meant to live indoors and might not manage the temperature levels outdoors. Many family pet store staff will tell you to keep your rabbit inside up until summer season, when the weather condition is warmer. Pet store rabbits have been inside the warm store for a few weeks or more and can not live outside right away. Rabbits have fragile systems and a drop in temperature might kill them. It is not a good idea to keep pet shop rabbits outside at all. They are indoor animals and must be kept inside.

Fatal Fly Strike and Rabbits

Many new rabbit owners are not aware of lethal fly strike. This occurs when a germ-infested fly arrive on a rabbit and lays eggs on them. The eggs hatch rapidly and can literally eat a rabbit inside and out. A rabbit with lethal fly strike gets a dirty bottom and has a nasty smell. If caught early enough, treatments can save the bunnies life but their lifespan will be shorter than usual. The best method to prevent this fatal condition is to regularly examine your bunny’s bottom and keep it clean. Use a fly guard in your rabbit’s environment and keep your family pet on an appropriate diet: no carrots, lettuce, or bread.

Rabbits Should Not Live With Children Under 12

Rabbits have fragile bodies and bones. If living with young kids, a bunny can easily be hurt, maybe fatally so, after being mishandled by a child.

Bunnies often do not like children and can be extremely fearful of them. If a child does not manage the rabbit correctly, the bunny might leap about so the child can’t hold them or lets go. If the rabbit is up to the floor they may break their foundation or neck. Their bones are very delicate and break easily. Children running around shouting can cause stress and stress and anxiety for bunnies. If a child went out into your garden screaming and a few days later your rabbit passed away, then you have your cause: Rabbits can die of shock (see listed below) and are not appropriate for children under 12 years of age.

Rabbits Can Die of Fright!

Loud sounds can frighten a bunny to the point of causing a cardiac arrest. The rabbit may go into shock and pass away a few days later on.

It is possible for a rabbit to die of scare. Loud noises, such as felines, dogs, loud music, or screaming can cause a heart attack and put a rabbit into shock, triggering abrupt death. It can day several days for the rabbit to die this way, and it does not occur typically, however it is rather possible.

Other Animals or Pets Can Kill a Rabbit

Felines, dogs, and ferrets are hunting animals and can easily catch and kill a domestic rabbit.

Do not even think about a rabbit if you have aggressive dogs, big dogs, young untrained puppies, ferrets, or cats. Ferrets are hunters and feline are wild animals will hunt, frighten, or seriously hurt a family pet bunny. Big dogs can easily induce shock and cardiovascular disease. Pups don’t mean to be naughty, but of course they can hurt or terrify your bunny to death. If you are preparing to obtain a bunny, train your dog in advance and keep them away from each other. Slowly present them to one another. Do not buy a terrier such as a Westie or Schnauzer, as these are hunting dogs and are exceptionally difficult to train to leave a rabbit alone.

An Aborted Late Pregnancy Can Be Fatal

A female rabbit that aborts a pregnancy in late term may not be able to soak up the fetal tissue. The dead kits may become hazardous inside her, resulting in death.

If a bunnies aborts a pregnancy and can not reabsorb the fetus, the baby rabbits will merely pass away inside her and produce a toxic scenario. A normal miscarriage can be taken in harmlessly, however if the pregnancy is even more long when the miscarriage happens, the mother bunny may pass away.

Poison Ingested Inside or Out in the Garden

Gardening items consisting of pesticides can be deadly to a domestic bunny. Signs of poisoning are anorexia nervosa and discharge from the eyes, mouth, or anus.

It is possible for a pet bunny to suffer poisoning and pass away very quickly. They may disappoint any symptoms and act usually, but if there is discharge from any area, specifically the eyes, mouth, or rectum, they may have consumed something dangerous in the garden. They will have little appetite for food or water. If your bunny passes away and you suspect toxin, be sure to eliminate the body and disinfect the area. If you have another rabbit and that one seems fine, take them to the veterinarian just in case.

Possible sources of poison include gardening products, pesticides, cleaning powder, and other cleaning items.

Bunny Is Older Than You Thought

Once a rabbit is past 3, it can be extremely hard to exactly determine the age. Be really cautious to inspect a bunny over before purchasing or adopting. Bunnies stop growing at 18-24 months of age, but researched the breed of bunny you are taking a look at so you understand common sizes for children and adults of that type. Some bunny sellers might pass an older rabbit as more youthful. Unless you are sure the bunny is young, hesitate about buying or adopting. The stress of transferring to a brand-new home might cause an older rabbit to die quicker instead of later on.

Health Problems

A rabbit might have a history of illness that the seller does not disclose.

It is tough to tell a bunny’s history. If you do unknown the person who is selling the rabbit, ask a veterinarian or veterinary nurse to come along so they can offer a correct evaluation of the animal. Ask the seller for medical records.

Swallowing Objects Like Glass Can Kill a Rabbit

Before your bunny forages in the garden, ensure to get rid of any sharp items, specifically pieces of broken glass or anything that might be potentially extremely damaging to your animal. Rabbits will sometimes ingest things they shouldn’t and oftentimes it does them no damage. Swallowing a sharp or large item can actually tear a rabbit’s insides, causing severe internal bleeding. If you discover blood around the rectum, this may be a sign of internal bleeding. If this happens, take it to the vet to have it taken a look at instantly.

Also read: Snuffles (Pasteurellosis) in Rabbits: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

D. Roberts (Junior Expert)/ author of the article

He is a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, and pet care. Believes that the person responsible for each pet, which was taken into the house, and therefore should study his behavior, means of determining health status and methods of first aid.

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