Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Monkeys love them, human beings crave them on cornflakes, and dogs might even drool when used a benefit of banana bits. Cats, with their discerning (some might state picky) tastes buds are not renowned for going bananas over bananas. However do felines even need the popular fruit?

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

The 411 on bananas: they’re a prime source of potassium, a mineral that supports heart and kidney functions. However bananas are heavy on carbs, which is one reason Margaret Gates, director of the Feline Nutrition Foundation, says felines do not require them.

Gates, who began the structure as a way to inform people about cat food, states, “Cats have no requirement for carbs in their diet and feeding carbs to felines can result in numerous issues.”

“While felines can digest them in a limited way, carbs should actually only make up 0-2% of their diet,” she included.

Dr. Marcus G. Brown, DVM, of the cats-only veterinarian practice, NOVA Cat Clinic in Fairfax, Virginia, states that unless doing so prevents them from eating their routine diet, he sees no reason that felines can not eat bananas. “Maybe an essential concern is, will cats eat bananas?”

Brown states that as carnivores, felines may not be able to use any of the fats or limited amount of protein in bananas because “felines do not have the enzymes to absorb and use a great deal of plant food sources.”

Gates, who switched her own felines to a raw-meat diet in 2008 and observed favorable modifications in all of them, elaborates further on carnivorous felines’ nutritional requirements. She emphasizes that felines are “obligate carnivores.” That is an unique class of meat-eater that has concerned depend on a diet of meat only. She cites other animals besides cats that are obligate carnivores, including raptors, minks, dolphins, and alligators, all which have actually adjusted physically to a diet which contains just animal sources. However she notes that dogs are not obligate carnivores – which is why dogs can work on a vegetarian food routine but cats definitely can not.

When it comes to any possible feline dietary take advantage of bananas, such as potassium, Gates states that might be supplied “with a more appropriate food. Felines that are fed a balanced raw meat diet do not require the addition of any fruits, veggies or grains.”

However what if a feline, for whatever reason, loves and requires a banana?

“Well, there may be some cats that may wish to, as felines can have uncommon or unusual food interests,” Gates states.

“If you have a feline that likes bananas, a small bite from time to time most likely wouldn’t harm them. However, remember that this is a completely inappropriate food for a feline. Your cat would be much better off if you fed a healthy, meat-based treat.”

Gates states that what feline parents have to realize is that “a cat is not a dog or a person. We need to consider what to feed a cat on their terms, not ours. Feeding a cat high levels of carbohydrates is hazardous and contributes to a number of the illness that felines struggle with in high numbers, such as diabetes and irritable bowel disease (IBD).”

So when it concerns felines and bananas, make your kitty’s home a banana-free zone.

D. Roberts (Junior Expert)/ author of the article

He is a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, and pet care. Believes that the person responsible for each pet, which was taken into the house, and therefore should study his behavior, means of determining health status and methods of first aid.

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