Goldfish come in a variety of colors and sizes. However, all goldfish have big eyes and keen senses of smell. They even hear remarkably well. When hungry, goldfish also have a versatile palate, partaking of foods that are, among other things, slippery, slimy, fuzzy, crispy, and often squishy.
Goldfish in the Wild
Goldfish are natural omnivores; they eat all matter of vegetation, bugs and their larvae, little crustaceans, zoo-plankton and even dead and rotting plant and animal matter.
Goldfish in Captivity
Goldfish owners can supplement their animals’ diets by occasionally offering mosquito larva, blood-worms, daphnia, Brine or Mysis shrimp. Some keepers like to feed their goldfish sliced squid, mussel, and marine white fish– special deals with, as any marine pathogens in these specific animals seldom move to freshwater environments.
Veggie Supplements
Veggies are terrific for goldfish. Goldfish owners can boil or microwave leafy veggies like lettuce and spinach, and even peas and garlic for a couple of seconds, softening the cellulose in the cell walls of the plants. After the veggies cool, they can be fed to the goldfish. Some breeders even provide their goldfish oats, thinking they nurture the bodies of goldfish ranges with specifically lengthy fins and tails.
Goldfish frequently graze along the bottoms of their undersea environments, which means that what they eat (besides store-bought fish flakes) is anything that lands or kinds on the bottoms of their habitats. The algae that grows in their tanks, the fecal matter that stacks up after meals, the lost scales and detritus left by fellow goldfish, even the periodic pebble (though not a healthy treat) are all on the animal’s menu.
What Do You Feed a Goldfish When You Don’t Have Fish Food?
- Dry food. It is available in flakes, pellets, and sticks. You can store these for a long while, however buy them in small portions (and only when needed) to keep minerals and vitamin quality high. Flakes and pellets are often low in fiber and can cause constipation, which in turn can cause swim bladder conditions and bloating in fish, so make certain the dry food you choose has a high fiber content or supplement with vegetables.
- Freeze dried. Blood worms, krill, and other crawly things are all excellent deals with for meat-eating fish.
- Frozen. Simply cut off what you require, defrost, then feed. Frozen fish food is high quality, with easy active ingredients.
- Fresh. Some fish will eat a smidgen of pea, zucchini, or shrimp. Your fish’s type will determine what is healthiest fresh food for it. We recommend partly cooking veggies, then letting them cool to room temperature prior to offering your fish a small morsel. You can also slice up shrimp, they’re definitely delightful (for you and the fish).
- Live food. You may feel a bit squeamish, but it’s sometimes part of life, and there are some fish that will only eat live food. If you go this route, avoid purchasing live food of second-rate quality, and ask the professionals at your local aquarium for suggestions.