How to Train a Outdoor Cat to Use a Litter Box

Question: I’ve embraced an 8-year-old outdoor cat and wish to bring her long-term home onto the screened-in deck. How do I get her to use a litterbox?
Answer: Litterbox training is one of the greatest concerns when transitioning an outdoor-only cat to the inside your home. However, most cats can be litterbox trained in a few easy steps, with very little inconvenience.

How to Teach an Adult Cat to Use the Litter Box?

Make the Litterbox Appealing

Every house ought to have one litterbox per cat, plus one. Get two boxes for your brand-new cat and location both boxes in places that your cat likely is going to wish to go: one by the door resulting in outside where she would usually eliminate and one in a more private area. Some cats prefer litterboxes that are more covert, so placing one behind a cat-safe plant or other barrier can help her feel more secure. In order to make sure your cat uses package and not the plant as her bathroom, briefly cover the plant’s soil with pieces of tin foil.

Choose a box that your cat will actually use. Too often, cat owners choose litterboxes that are less offensive to the human eye, such as those that are covered. However, covered boxes can be frightening to cats, as they hinder any possibility of escape and leave a cat susceptible. Covered boxes likewise include all the scent, which might prompt a cat to use another location with less offensive smells. A self-scooping litterbox may be tempting, but the electronic noises can frighten more timid cats, which discourages their use. While some cats are fine with covered or self-scooping boxes, many do best with uncovered litterboxes. Some cats choose a larger area to remove in than the majority of cat boxes provide; for these cats, utilizing a fairly big plastic storage box that’s roughly 6 inches in height can be a great option. However, for a middle-aged cat, who may have joint disease, you will need to cut one or more of the sides down in order to permit her to get in and out of the litterbox more easily.

Choose your litter carefully, too. While aromatic litter is interesting us because it removes aromas, for many cats, the fragrance can be offending. Opt instead for unscented, clumping litter, which most cats prefer. Particular cats are incredibly choosy in their substrate of option. Experiment to find your cat’s favorite litter by choosing a number of various types, such as clumping and non-clumping versions. Put one alternative in each box and let your cat choose which she chooses. Donate the less favored litter to your regional shelter. If your outdoor cat is conditioned to use just a particular substrate, such as dirt, you can help her shift by blending the litter with the outdoor substrate; stage out the outdoor soil addition over time so that eventually she’s just using kitty litter in the box.

As soon as you’ve determined your cat’s preferred litter, find the depth of litter your cat prefers by pouring the litter in the boxes at differing levels. Once you have actually recognized both the favored litter and height, follow them in order to make appropriate litterbox removal most likely.

Be Positive– and Patient

Don’t punish your cat for entering the wrong places; rather, use positive support to motivate appropriate litterbox use. After your cat uses the litterbox, reward her with something she takes pleasure in, such as a game with a feather toy, a cat treat or petting. Avoid penalty, which will stress your cat out and hinder her relationship with you, both which can cause removal outside the litterbox.

While some outside cats learned to use a litterbox as kittycats, other cats have no idea what the box is for. Keeping your cat in a smaller enclosed area briefly, such as a big dog pen, a high-gated area or even a closed bathroom, may motivate litterbox use. Make certain all the cat’s basics, including resting area, water, food and toys, exist in this area; ensure that your cat gets sufficient interaction with you throughout the day. As your cat starts to be effective at using the litterbox, her area can be broadened.

If your cat has never used the litterbox, keeping smells inside can also be an environmental cue for her to eliminate. When your cat first uses package to defecate, instead of scooping it out right now, leave it briefly until your cat go back to the box, as previous smells can motivate removal. As soon as your cat has gone the first few times in the proper area, scooping package routinely to keep it tidy encourages your cat to continue to use it.

Other Simple Tips

Feline pheromones spritzed inside your cat’s living area can help soothe your cat during the shift from outdoors to indoors, which further encourages proper litterbox use.

If your cat has any accidents, use a pet-safe cleaner with enzyme consuming residential or commercial properties on these areas to damage old scents that can trigger cats to enter this area in the future.

Keep the litterbox in an area different from your cat’s food and water, because cats are naturally tidy and unlikely to use the bathroom where they consume.

Finally, if your cat isn’t really learning to use the litterbox, talk with your vet. There many reasons why cats can have problems with not entering the litterbox even with training, much of which are medically related. Your veterinarian is an important resource on assisting your cat remove in the right areas.


Reyus Mammadli/ author of the article

I have had pets since childhood: cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, geese, chickens, ducks, parrots, aquarium fish and dogs (in the yard). Of course, I constantly encountered diseases of pets and treated them. Glad to be able to share my skills and experience, as well as advice on caring for and adapting these critters and birds.

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