What Causes Rabbits to Lose Weight

Weight loss can occur in bunnies, however when they lose 10 percent or more of their normal body weight it becomes a major concern — not a concern of decline in fluid weight. It is specifically uneasy when the weight loss accompanies muscle atrophy (or the running out of muscle mass). This state of bad health is typically referred to as cachexia, and it needs immediate medical attention.

Rabbit Loses Weight Symptoms

The symptoms the rabbit screens are dependent on the underlying cause of the condition. However, basic signs will consist of thinness or a minimized size and appearance. Other symptoms and signs might include:

  • Absence of stool production
  • Grinding of teeth
  • Hunched over posture
  • Drooling
  • Bad breath
  • Inability to eat
  • Disinterest in food
  • Distension or unusual bloating in the intestinal area around the stomach
  • Masses or foreign bodies present when touching (or palpating) the abdominal area
  • Unusual breathing sounds
  • Heart murmurs or irregular heart rhythms

Main Causes Why Has Your Rabbit Lost Weight

It is quite common to hear from rabbits’ owners: “Why has my rabbit lost weight?” There are many different causes for cachexia (and weight loss) in rabbits. These can consist of increased metabolic process. For example, the animal’s body might begin utilizing lean muscle for energy in order to perform its day-to-day functions. Metabolic disorders such as organ failure or disorders related to cancer can likewise bring this kind of weight reduction.

Some other common causes may include:

  • Dental diseases which can make eating difficult
  • Dietary causes, including insufficient food or bad quality food
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Central nervous system conditions that can contribute to anorexia or comparable disorders
  • Neuromuscular illness and pain (e.g., degenerative joint disease)
  • Spinal issues (e.g., spinal fractures or dislocations)


To make an appropriate medical diagnosis, the vet will first identify the animal’s diet. The vet will also analyze the animal’s teeth, as dental disease is a typical cause for weight loss. Lastly, they will run different tests, including X-rays, to dismiss any organ and neuromuscular issues, masses or cancers.

Rabbit Losing Weight Treatment

Similar to the symptoms, treatment is dependent on the underlying reason for the weight reduction in rabbits. Nevertheless, the veterinarian will most likely treat any symptoms shown by the rabbit, including pain relief for cancers or electrolyte replacement for animals experiencing dehydration and fluid loss. This will not cure the condition, however will assist stabilize the animal. Most bunnies will likewise be prescribed a healthy diet which includes a lot of fresh greens.

Living and Management
Prognosis for the bunny will differ depending on the nature of the disease or disorder causing the weight reduction. In all cases, it is important to supply the animal with healthy feed. Also, regular tracking or follow-ups depends on the condition’s cause and general health of the rabbit.

Also read: What Causes Rabbit Turds (Pellet Poop)

D. Roberts (Junior Expert)/ author of the article

He is a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, and pet care. Believes that the person responsible for each pet, which was taken into the house, and therefore should study his behavior, means of determining health status and methods of first aid.

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