Why Do Cats Hate a Whistle Sound?

If you’ve ever whistled at your cat, or blown a toy whistle, your feline may have provided you a rather feisty response. Lots of cats react to whistle-blowing, for good reason: cats have exceptional hearing skills, and high-pitched noises typically remind them of their high-pitched prey – birds, rodents and other little animals.

Sensitiveness of Ears

A cat’s ear is a sensitive organ that helps with balance and hearing. The external ear is consisted of the ear flap and canal; the middle ear, the eardrum and auditory little bones; and the inner ear, semicircular canals for balance, and cochlea and the organ of hearing for hearing. Exceptionally, a cat can rotate its ears individually, like two individual satellites, to get the smallest of noises, assisting them locate victim.

Ultrasonic Cat

If you believe dogs have good hearing, cats have amazing acoustic professors. Cats have the ability to hear sounds from 45 to 60,000 hertz, while humans can only speak with 20 to 20,000 hertz. Any noise above that ceiling (20,000) is thought about “ultrasonic,” which indicates your sedate-looking cat might actually be taking in all type of sounds that neither you nor the dog will ever hear.

The Cat Stalker

The capability to hear ultrasonic noises is what offers a cat its advantage in the wild. High-pitched noises made by birds and little rodents, like mice and chipmunks, are quickly discovered by your cat’s acute sense of hearing. That’s why your cat may be drawn to the noise of a whistle: his impulses begin and he seeks out what he thinks is his victim. He’s not actually agitated– he’s unexpectedly taken part in his environment.

Using a Whistle as a Training Tool

Noise can be used to train your cat from acting out unwanted behaviors, like jumping on the kitchen counter. Permitting the environment (instead of you) to penalize the cat is called “remote correction.” Link an unpleasant noise — like blowing a whistle or sounding a bell — with the habits you wish to get rid of. As your cat is about to do the unwanted habits, shock him with the sound, and say absolutely nothing.

Sound as Stress

Using sound to remove your cat’s undesirable behavior is something, however there are times when sound really can stress your cat. Acoustic stress is caused by loud sounds and especially impacts felines, inning accordance with Vet Street. Fluorescent light bulbs, light dimmers, some CRT and LCD display screens and tea kettles release the types of sound most likely to disrupt your cat. Vet Street advises turning these types of devices down, or playing low-volume.

Reyus Mammadli/ author of the article

I have had pets since childhood: cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, geese, chickens, ducks, parrots, aquarium fish and dogs (in the yard). Of course, I constantly encountered diseases of pets and treated them. Glad to be able to share my skills and experience, as well as advice on caring for and adapting these critters and birds.

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