Cat Has Seizures While Sleeping

Feline seizures can happen during sleep and sometimes the cat might not even experience seizures but simply move during sleep. It is necessary to compare sleep apnea and seizures and find the reason for the seizures to be able to administer an ideal treatment.

Cat Seizures While Sleeping

Cat seizures may be brought on by epilepsy or other medical conditions but may likewise be idiopathic. Some other conditions that can cause seizures consist of poisoning, injury, heat strokes, cryptococcosis, unfavorable reactions to medication or other chemicals, low calcium in the blood, neurological issues, low blood glucose, diabetes, brain growths, kidney or liver dysfunction.

Cats struggle with seizures less often than dogs; nevertheless, the symptoms can be alarming. A seizure can last up to 5 minutes in cats. In severe cases, the epilepsy can last longer and might be fatal.

Feline seizures take place without any indication and might also happen during sleep. The feline will move involuntarily, shake, might drool and have foam in the mouth area. The epileptic seizures can be activated by excitement or might occur when the feline is getting up or going to sleep, when there is a change in the brain activity.

The first epileptic seizures typically occur when the cat is 2 to 3 years old.

What Causes Cat Has Seizures While Sleeping

Sleep apnea and the uncontrolled motions during sleep can appear like the cat is having seizures.

The epileptic seizures are the only ones that can happen during sleep. Seizures that are due to underlying conditions will manifest while the cat is awake.

To compare seizures during sleep and uncontrolled motions, you need to enjoy the timing of the seizures.

The epileptic seizures take place just when the cat drops off to sleep or will wake up. If the cat shows epilepsy like symptoms during the remainder of the sleeping duration, these are more than likely just muscle twitches.

When the cat is having a seizure during sleep, he can not be gotten up; if the feline twitches or peddles his feet during sleep, you can quickly wake him up and he will stop.

How to Treat Seizures in Cats While Sleeping

If the seizures are brought on by underlying medical conditions, these ought to be treated with appropriate medication. The treatment choices may vary from the administration of glucose (i.e. honey or maple syrup) to antibiotics or surgery.

Epilepsy can not be fully cured however it might be managed with medication. The epilepsy requires medication only if the seizures occur more frequently than when every 2 to 3 months. If the seizures are more regular and last more than a couple of minutes, anticonvulsants (i.e. Phenobarbital) will be prescribed. These anticonvulsants can avoid seizures and might control the seriousness of the seizures.

You must also aim to avoid the seizures by keeping an eye on the elements that might trigger the seizures and attempt to remove these from the dog’s environment. When a seizure happens, you need to make sure that the dog is safe and that there are no sharp things that could harm him.

If you observe that your feline has a seizure during sleep, you must seek advice from the vet to figure out if your animal has epilepsy.

Also read: Does Cat Have Stroke or Heart Attack?

D. Roberts (Junior Expert)/ author of the article

He is a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine, and pet care. Believes that the person responsible for each pet, which was taken into the house, and therefore should study his behavior, means of determining health status and methods of first aid.

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